This page will focus on ads, one-page and spot fillers and other curiosa that appeared in horror comics. NOTE: Click on image for larger size.

1. A full-page announcement from a DC comic from the late fifties showing their compliance with the CCA.

2. A half-page filler from ADVENTURES INTO DARKNESS #8 (February 1953).

3. A full-page filler from ADVENTURES INTO DARKNESS #9 (April 1953).

4. Two half-page fillers from ADVENTURES INTO DARKNESS #10 (June 1953).

5. A half-page filler from ADVENTURES INTO DARKNESS #12 (December 1953).

6. Half-page fillers from ADVENTURES INTO DARKNESS #13 (March 1954).

7. Full and half-page fillers from ADVENTURES INTO DARKNESS #14 (June 1954).

8. One-page filler from VOODOO #1 (May 1952).