Monday, February 3, 2025


I did quite a bit of drawing back in the day. Inspired by both mainstream and underground comics, I had numerous cartoons published in my school newspaper. This would have been the best time for me to go to art school or get some sort of art mentoring, but it never happened. The reason is too complex for me to explain it here; suffice to say, I'll use the old phrase: "life got in the way".

I managed to keep some of my after all these years and came across this recently -- my version of EC's Old Witch. As you can see, it's a very loose sketch that I dashed off quite quickly as I recall, and although I can't remember, I'm sure it was from a drawing by Graham Ingels. I used a ball point pen (probably a cheap Bic!) on a sheet of paper from a note pad.


  1. It's exceedingly "Ghastly"! I did go to college as an art student, but quickly changed to a nearly equally useless English degree.

  2. My formal education was interrupted with a 1 1/2-year trip around the US and Canada. It was very educational, but in a different way, and I am thankful that I had the opportunity. Getting into the animation business some years later fulfilled at least some of my artistic aspirations.
