Friday, August 30, 2024


It's no secret that a lot of the appeal for Pre-Code horror comics are the covers. After EC showed how it was done, virtually every other publisher that sold horror comics jumped on the wagon and attempted to outdo each other with some of the outrageous, shocking and excessive images they could come up with.

Here are a few examples that range from mild to wild and that are currently up for sale at Heritage Auctions. The finished, color covers are also shown as a comparison. Included are a few of the most notorious covers that came out of that era.

1. CHAMBER OF CHILLS #21 (Harvey, January 1954). Seen here is the preliminary cover art designed by Warren Kremer using ink and crayon on onion skin paper (when was the last time to heard of that?). He then handed it over to Lee Elias for the finished work. Be sure to check out the notes on the margins -- "Guys dead at desks"!

2. CHAMBER OF CHILLS #24 (Harvey, July 1954). Cover art by the great Lee Elias.

3. CHILLING TALES #16 (Youthful, June 1963 ). Unknown artist illustrating the only cover for this title not done by Matt Fox.

4. TALES OF TERROR #1 (Toby, 1952). Cover art for this one-shot by Gene Fawcette. It was pulled by Toby after one issue after a complaint by EC that the title was already being used by them. It was reprinted by I.W. Publishing in 1958 for EERIE #9.

5. TOMB OF TERROR #15 (Harvey, May 1954). Cover art of a classic by Lee Elias.

5. WITCHES TALES #25 (Harvey, June 1954). Another classic cover by the great Warren Kremer.


  1. Those final two are gruesome masterpieces. Hard to believe they are by the same guy who was the mainstay Casper artist for so many years and the fellow along with Howie Post that Marvel built the Star Comics line around.

  2. Lee Elias and Warren Kremer -- two artists I'd never ask where they got their ideas!
