Tuesday, September 3, 2024


One of the many publishers that had their horror comics world rocked when the Comics Code Authority was instituted was Standard. Formed in 1936 by Ned Pines, it was one of the leading superhero comics lines during the Golden Age (under several different imprints). While only publishing a handful of horror comics during the Pre-Code era such as ADVENTURES INTO DARKNESS, THE UNSEEN and OUT OF THE SHADOWS, they still suffered a loss of these apparently successful niche publications during The Great Purge of 1954.

Numbering began with #5 in August 1952 and ran for 10 issues until #14 (June 1954). They already had the next issue ready to go to press when Wertham's Silver Hammer dropped. After that, the Pines comics scattered to the four winds and nearly all of them disappeared, including the finished cover and art for ADVENTURES INTO DARKNESS #15.

Amazingly, over 3 decades later it re-surfaced in the hands of Eclipse Comics and was published as the one-shot THREE-DIMENSIONAL SEDUCTION OF THE INNOCENT in October 1985. Likely discovered by the Sherlock Holmes of comics researchers cat yronwode, the rights were purchased by Eclipse publisher Dean Mullaney. They also got a knockout cover by Dave "The Rocketeer" Stevens and a sharp logo design by Ken Steacy. Now, here's the kicker  -- for some bizarre reason they decided to print it in 3-D format, and while Ray Zone does his usual bang-up job with color separations, it's still a little befuddling that they didn't print it with the extant black and white art. Perhaps they didn't want to guess what colors were originally planned (if it got that far in the process), but there is no mention in the editorial on why this decision was made. There is mention in the editorial as Eclipse "taking a gamble" on publishing this at all, so maybe they thought a black and white comic wouldn't sell well despite its historical value. At least we finally got to see it!

The cover is credited by Eclipse to George Roussos, but after a look at the original cover art shown here, there's a note in the margins that is a little puzzling: the date "5/7/54 " with the circled initials "MR" in pencil. What makes this mysterious is that MR is used to sign the stories "Harvest of Death" and "Tryst With Terror". The credits for the pencils and inks are given to Mort Meskin and George Roussos respectively. So, if the cover uses the same initials, why isn't Meskin credited as the penciller and George Roussos as the inker like the stories are? Food for thought . . .

Adventures Into Darkness #15 original cover art.

Vol. 1 No. 1 (One=shot)
October 1983
Eclipse Comics
Publisher: Dean Mullaney
Editors: cat yronwode; Dean Mullaney
Cover: Dave Stevens
Pages: 36
Cover prince: $2.25

"The Evil Ones"
Script: ?
Pencils: Mike Sekowsky
Inks: Mike Peppe

"Death Dives Deep"
Script: ?
Pencils: Gene Fawcette
Inks: Gene Fawcette

"Harvest of Death"
Script: ?
Pencils: Mort Meskin
Inks: George Roussos

"Do You Believe..."
Script: Gene Fawcette
Art: Gene Fawcette

"The Velvet Vampire"
Script: Gene Fawcette
Art: Gene Fawcette

"The Stray Cat"
Script: ?
Art: Mike Roy

"Gift of Murder"
Script: ?
Pencils: Alex Toth
Inks: Mike Peppe

Script: ?
Pencils: Mike Sekowsky
Inks: Mike Peppe

"Tryst With Terror"
Script: ?
Pencils: Mort Meskin
Inks: George Roussos


  1. I have this gem buried in my collection somewhere. I picked it up for the Dave Stevens artwork.

  2. I'm sure his cover attracted more sales than the original!
